Whatever project we are working on, our ethos stays the same- earth care, people care, fair share.

  • Vegetables and Fruit

    Using No-dig principles to ensure the soil stays healthy, we have grown a large variety of vegetables, fruit and herbs in the last years.

    Currently growers Jen and Paul, are operating a small production of seasonal vegetables and salad. They are currently cultivating 2 large poly-tunnels, a garden area and a food-forest where vegetables, trees, soft-fruits herbs and flowers grow side by side.

    Our salads and veggies can be found in local village shops, at Tiverton market as well as being used by chefs in local pubs and a health retreat.

    Soil health is paramount to us, to ensure the veggies have high nutritional content.

  • Animals

    In the past we had a medium herd of Exmoor sheep helping us manage our grassland and providing healthy meat for our freezer and for a small number of local customers. We are presently moving toward regenerative farming, and this season we will be starting this step of our journey experimenting with different grazing methods.

    We currently have a very small hear of Dexter cows and a small flock of rare-breed sheep who are co-grazing happily. We are hoping to further encourage bio-diversity. By using 2 different grazing methods; low impact- where the animals have a very large area in relation to stock numbers, roaming around foraging and trampling. Creating tussocky grassland to encourage habitat for small mammals, reptiles and insects and forage ground for birds of prey and larger predictors. When an animal has access to diverse flora and choice, she is healthier, selecting forage that is good for her health, and happier living in the most natural environment. We will also use mob-grazing followed by long rest periods on our sloping field. Allowing a diversity of grasses and herb species to flourish.

  • Juice

    Our young orchard of West-country heirloom apples is now producing enough to supply a small number of local shops and cafes. Every stage of production is done by hand, from looking after the trees (mulching, pruning) to picking, sorting, pressing and bottling. We label the bottles in a way that makes it easy for re-use, and many of our customers return the bottles to us in return for a discount.

    We are hoping to explore mixed juices this season using soft fruits from our orchard and young food-forest.